Im Zentrum dieser Korrespondenz stehen wiederum Phil Jones, der inzwischen zurückgetretene Leiter der CRU, und Michael Mann, der Schöpfer der diskreditierten Hockey Stick Kurve, der in der folgenden Karikatur zu sehen ist (Bildquelle):

Eine erste Auswertung der nun der Öffentlichkeit zugänglichen Dokumente hat bestürzende Ergebnisse gebracht, siehe: Climategate 2.0 emails – They’re real and they’re spectacular! und Uh oh, global warming loons: here comes Climategate II! sowie Climategate 2.0 – Another Nail in Kyoto’s Coffin.
Es zeigt sich auch in diesem Schriftverkehr, dass die den IPCC bestimmenden Personen sich nicht als objektive Wissenschaftler verstehen, sondern als politische Aktivisten, die um jeden Preis eine ökosozialistische "Große Transformation" durchsetzen wollen. Um das zu erreichen, verabreden sie in konspirativer Weise ein geheimes Zusammenspiel zur Manipulierung der öffentlichen Meinung, zur Unterdrückung unbequemer Daten, zur Beeinflussung des wissenschaftlichen Begutachtungsprozesses, zur Marginalisierung skeptischer Kollegen, zur Missachtung der Datenoffenlegungsgesetze (Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) und zur Monopolisierung staatlicher Forschungsgelder für die eigene Clique.
Die folgenden Beispiele aus den am Dienstag veröffentlichten E-Mails geben einen Einblick in die Arbeitsweise dieses verschwörerischen Kreises, der die Führung des IPCC ausmacht (die Zitate sind im Format: <Nummer der E-Mail im Datenbestand>, Name des Absenders, Text):
Sie wissen, dass die Klimamodelle falsch sind, aber sie sagen in den IPCC-Berichten das Gegenteil:
- <4443> Phil Jones: "Basic problem is that all models are wrong – not got enough middle and low level clouds."
- <1982> Ben Santer: "there is no individual model that does well in all of the SST [sea surface temperature] and water vapor tests we’ve applied."
- <0850> Barnett: "[IPCC AR5 (next Assessment Report) models] clearly, some tuning or very good luck involved. I doubt the modeling world will be able to get away with this much longer".
- <5066> Hegerl: "[IPCC AR5 models] So using the 20th c [century] for tuning is just doing what some people have long suspected us of doing."
- <2009> Keith Briffa: "I find myself in the strange position of being very skeptical of the quality of all present [temperature] reconstructions, yet sounding like a pro greenhouse zealot here!"
- <3062> Phil Jones: "We don’t really want the bullshit and optimistic stuff that Michael [Mann] has written ... We’ll have to cut out some of his stuff."
- <1939> Peter Thorne/MetO [Meteorological Office]: "Observations do not show rising temperatures throughout the tropical troposphere unless you accept one single study and approach and discount a wealth of others. This is just downright dangerous. We need to communicate the uncertainty and be honest."
Auswahl von Gesinnungsgenossen als Autoren, um den IPCC-Berichten die gewünschte politische Richtung zu geben:
- <0714> Phil Jones: "Getting people we know and trust [into IPCC] is vital – hence my comment about the tornadoes group."
- <3205> Phil Jones: "Useful ones [for IPCC] might be Baldwin, Benestad (written on the solar/cloud issue – on the right side, i.e anti-Svensmark), Bohm, Brown, Christy (will be have to involve him ?)"
Die Wissenschaft wird der politischen Agenda untergeordnet:
- <2495> Humphrey/DEFRA [Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs - UK]: "I can’t overstate the HUGE amount of political interest in the project as a message that the Government can give on climate change to help them tell their story. They want the story to be a very strong one and don’t want to be made to look foolish."
- <1577> Phil Jones: "Any work we have done in the past is done on the back of the research grants we get - and has to be well hidden. I've discussed this with the main funder (US Dept of Energy) in the past and they are happy about not releasing the original station data."
Verhinderung der Überprüfung von Aussagen durch die Verheimlichung von Daten unter bewusster Missachtung des Gesetzes (FOIA):
- <2440> Phil Jones: "I’ve been told that IPCC is above national FOI Acts. One way to cover yourself and all those working in AR5 would be to delete all emails at the end of the process."
- <2094> Keith Briffa: "UEA does not hold the very vast majority of mine [potentially FOIable emails] anyway which I copied onto private storage after the completion of the IPCC task."
- <0058> Keith Briffa: "... IN STRICT CONFIDENCE ... Finally, might I ask that you note and then erase this email. I have found that recent enquiries under the Freedom of Information Act, or Data Protection Act, can become considerable time sinks , or the basis of some inconvenient subsequent distractions."
- <2733> Crowley: "Phil [Jones], thanks for your thoughts – guarantee there will be no dirty laundry in the open."
Einige offene Worte, die sich nicht in öffentlichen Stellungnahmen wiederfinden lassen:
- <3066> Peter Thorne: "I also think the science is being manipulated to put a political spin on it which for all our sakes might not be too clever in the long run."
- <1656> Douglas Maraun/UEA: "How should we deal with flaws inside the climate community? I think, that "our" reaction on the errors found in Mike Mann's work were not especially honest."
- <1682> Wils: "What if climate change appears to be just mainly a multidecadal natural fluctuation? They’ll kill us probably."
- <4894> Alex Kirby/BBC: "...we are constantly being savaged by the loonies for not giving them any coverage at all, especially as you say with the COP [Conference of the Parties] in the offing, and being the objective impartial (ho ho) BBC that we are, there is an expectation in some quarters that we will every now and then let them say something. I hope though that the weight of our coverage makes it clear that we think they are talking through their hats [sie dumm daherreden]."